Amnesty International

Amnesty International has worked on defending human rights since 1961. Seven million supporters, members, and activists in more than 150 countries and territories are all engaged in campaigns to end serious violations of human rights.

amnesty international mailup

The group that was contacted again showed a very positive response to the mailing, with open rates three times higher than those of the first mailing and significant KPI, even compared to unique openings and clicks. These mailings are welcomed by the user base and simultaneously provide Amnesty International with the opportunity to strengthen its image as a concrete and transparent institution. The mailing also created, as a secondary outcome, 1,510 new donations.

46.7 %
Success email OR
24.9 %
Success email CTOR
+ 29.8 %
Success email OR*
+ 24.7 %
CTOR vs sector average
Amnesty International
Flexible, fast and intuitive: these are the rewarding characteristics of the MailUp platform. Thanks to the database’s filters system, tracking, analysis, and comparison tools, MailUp allows us to filter clusters of contacts and thus build a “warm” relationship with our closest supporters.

Valerio Palumbo
Head of Digital Unit Amnesty International, Amnesty International
Best Practices
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Treat campaign signatories as part of the association. Create a relationship and inform them of any progress made thanks to their contribution.

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To communicate with supporters, use the same communication channels you did the first time you began contact with them. In doing so, you can count on your message being recognized.

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Remember the types of causes each user gave a donation for. You can reuse them to build sending segments, to personalize and make your communication activities more and more consistent.