Any questions?
Here are some of the most common questions from our clients.
How can I quickly improve the response offered by the AI Assistant?
In the AI Assistant menu, you can translate, shorten and change the tone of voice of your text.
Is the AI Assistant available in the trial version?
No, the AI Assistant is only available in the subscription versions of MailUp.
How many tokens do I have available for free?
The number of tokens available for free each day varies depending on the edition you have under your contract:
- Starter Edition: 1000
- Plus Edition: 4000
- Premium Edition: 2 million
- Enterprise Edition: unlimited by default
How can I unlock the unlimited tokens?
If you are already a MailUp customer and have already agreed to the additional terms of use for the AI Assistant, you can unlock unlimited tokens at this link on the MailUp e-commerce web site. Unlocking unlimited tokens means going beyond the limited number of tokens available daily, so you can generate endless unlimited texts at a fixed monthly cost.
Where can I find the AI Assistant?
You’ll find it in your platform's drag-and-drop editor, in the Starter, Plus, Premium and Enterprise editions (not the free trial version). To display it, you must always enter and select text-type content in your email.
How can I enable AI Assistant in my platform?
First, you must agree to the AI Assistant terms of use in the main platform dashboard (if you have not yet agreed to them, you will see a pop-up prompting you to do so). Next, go to the drag-and-drop editor for creating your email. When you select text content (title, paragraph, bulleted list, Call to Action) you will see the Write with AIbutton. Click on it and start typing in your requests.
Which are the discounts and benefits for Partners?
Partners can enjoy tailored discounts when purchasing a MailUp platform or services for themselves. On the first purchase, Partners are entitled to a 35% discount on a biennial subscription or a 20% discount on an annual subscription. Partners can also avail themselves of a 10% discount on additional services and a 5% discount on SMS credits. These discounts do not apply to the first purchase if the Partner has been previously referred by another MailUp Partner. After renewal, Partners can benefit from tailored discounts only on new purchases (these discounts do not apply to subscriptions or other services previously purchased). The following discounts apply to all new product or service purchases: a 35% discount on biennial purchases or a 20% discount on annual purchases, a 10% discount on additional services, and a 5% discount on SMS credits.
What is the difference between Silver and Gold Partner?
If you are a Gold Partner, it means that you have already referred at least 5 new customers to MailUp, and starting with the sixth, your commission will increase from 20% to 30%. You will be entitled to priority on all MailUp events and all free tickets provided by MailUp to attend relevant business events.
I'm having billing issues with the price update. How can I resolve them?
If you encounter billing issues, please contact our administrative department at or by phone at +39 0289603052.
Who can I speak to about the price update?
If you have a sales representative, we encourage you to contact them directly to arrange a phone call or video call. Alternatively, write to our Customer Care team at for more information. Please indicate "Price Update" in the email subject and specify the code of your platform.
I have specific questions about my contract and the new pricing structure. Who can I contact?
For specific questions related to your contract and pricing, if you have a sales representative, you can contact them directly. Alternatively, you can write to our Customer Care team at Please indicate "Price Update" in the email subject and specify the code of your platform.
I haven't received any reminders about my contract renewal. How can I check?
If you haven't received a reminder and your platform's contract is nearing its expiration, we recommend checking your spam folder. If you still can't find it, please contact our Customer Care team at Please indicate "Price Update" in the email subject and specify the code of your platform.
How can I see the updated cost of my platform?
You will receive a reminder with the details of the updated price as your contract nears its expiration date. You can also view it in your personal area.
When will the new prices take effect?
The new prices will take effect from October 2nd, 2023, and will be applied upon the renewal of your platform contract.
Does MailUp and its platform comply with current privacy laws?
Indeed! The MailUp platform and its infrastructure are fully compliant with the provisions of European Regulation 679/2016 (GDPR). You may find all the information, including the location of our servers and the measures we take to protect our customers’ data, in the GDPR information hub on our website at You will also find our privacy policy on our website at
How does the commission work?
If you are a Referral Partner, you will receive a commission ranging from 20% to 30% (depending on whether you are a Silver or Gold Partner) on the annual or monthly activation value of the platform, excluding any additional services that the customer may purchase, for every new customer who subscribes to MailUp through your promotional activities. The commission is earned for the first year of the subscription. Payment is made only after the contact you referred becomes a MailUp customer and is discontinued if the customer terminates the contract with MailUp.
How does the partner activity work?
It is very flexible. You can manage it according to your needs and commitments. You can access in-depth materials to expand your knowledge of MailUp in your partner area. That way, you can promote the platform in your digital content using the partner links provided. Then, all you have to do is recommend the platform to your contacts: MailUp takes care of sales and subscription operations. In the partner area you can view the contacts who subscribed to MailUp and monitor all the fees you’ve earned.
Is there an enrollment fee?
No, there is no enrollment fee and you do not need to be a MailUp customer.
What do I have to do to become a Referral Partner?
Fill out the form at this link. We will consider your request and send an approval notice to the email address provided. Once you have been approved, you will have to register to your partner area, from which you can perform all your activities and obtain the referral link to use in your digital content.
Who is the referral program for?
For everyone who wants to implement an alternative revenue stream for their business that is easy to set up, flexible and free of charge. Marketing consultants, digital influencers and web agencies who advise and support clients in digital marketing and communication activities for their work.
What do I have to do to become a Reseller?
Fill in the form. One of our consultants will contact you as soon as possible to give you all the necessary information and answer your questions.
What are the benefits of being a Reseller?
First of all, you have access to useful resources to improve your digital skills, increase revenue through reselling, and offer your customers effective tools for online marketing. To find out about the specific benefits of each level of the Programme, complete the form at the bottom of the page. One of our consultants will contact you as soon as possible.
What is the kickback fee?
The Reseller Program provides a kickback fee (or commission) on a half-yearly basis proportional to the partnership level, and thus to the number of customers managed and the corresponding MRR value. You receive a kickback fee equal to the percentage of the total turnover generated by new acquisitions, upgrades and renewals at the end of each semester.
How many levels are there? Can one choose the level from which to start?
There are 4 scalable levels: Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum. The Bronze level is reached by activating at least 5 platforms and 250 euros of MRR (Monthly Recurring Revenue). You can access higher levels as your performance improves.
Is there a registration fee to become Reseller Partner?
No, there is no registration fee, the programme only includes the fee for the MailUp platform best suited to the type of business.
To whom is the Reseller Programme addressed?
To all web agencies and system integrators who want to work with the MailUp platform and resell it to their customer portfolio.
Is it possible to try out the platform before subscribing?
Of course. You can request immediate activation of a free version for a period of 15 days, in which you can test the main functionalities of the platform and assess whether it is right for you. At the end of the trial period you can choose whether to subscribe or not to continue; there is no obligation. Activate your free trial now.
What are the differences between one edition and another?
MailUp has four editions to meet the different needs of our customers: Starter, Plus, Premium and Enterprise. All four are based on the pay-per-speed model: if your contacts increase, the sending time is extended, but the price does not change. To find out the specific features of each edition, please visit the Pricing page.
Is there a support service?
Yes. Support is included in all editions and, depending on the edition of the platform chosen, different levels of support are available, provided directly by a dedicated team of specialists internal to MailUp. The support formulas available are: email, telephone, priority and custom.
Can MailUp be integrated with other software?
Of course. Whatever your system, we can integrate it with MailUp via API. We offer and configure all the tools to achieve perfect synchronisation with external databases, CRM, CMS, ERP, e-commerce, Business Intelligence systems and other external applications. Visit the dedicated page
Does the MailUp platform include reporting services?
Yes. In the MailUp platform you can find an entire section dedicated to monitoring campaigns, analysing their performance and creating detailed reports that can also be shared outside the platform. The Statistics area gathers valuable information to improve your results.
Does the MailUp platform include marketing automation features?
Yes. The platform provides several tools, including automatic sending and workflows, which allow you to set up automatic communication flows based on the master and behavioural data of contacts in your database. By combining these mailings with advanced segmentation tools you can push customisation of your campaigns to a new level.
How does the free trial work?
You can try MailUp for free. No strings attached and no credit card required.
Come posso costruire un database di contatti per Messaging Apps e alimentarlo nel tempo?
Per conoscere nel dettaglio strumenti e operazioni, ti invitiamo a scaricare l’ebook gratuito Cosa puoi fare con Messaging Apps.
Can I purchase a Messaging Apps-only plan?
No. To have Messaging Apps, you need to buy MailUp in one of these editions: Starter, Plus, Premium, or Enterprise. An SMS platform is not enough.
Can I send Messaging Apps campaigns to the email contacts database and vice versa?
Not at the moment. The Email and Messaging Apps contact databases are separate.
What do you mean by environments/lists?
Inside the MailUp platform, a list is an independent work environment with its own message archives, senders, stats, automatic workflows, recipient lists and groups. For instance, you can use 3 lists for newsletter in 3 different languages, or for 3 business/brand branches within the same company.
How does the free trial work?
You can try MailUp for free. No strings attached and no credit card required.
Cosa succede se aumento il numero di indirizzi a cui voglio inviare le email?
You can upload unlimited recipients onto the platform at no additional cost. The only thing that changes is the time needed to complete the send, which will go up in proportion to the number of your new contacts. For example, if your email addresses double, the time needed to deliver all the emails will double too.
Posso pagare su base mensile, invece che annuale?
No. Per garantirti la miglior qualità e continuità di servizio, operiamo solo tramite pagamenti annuali.
Posso cambiare piano in corsa, se ho la necessità di inviare più in fretta a più destinatari?
Sì. Puoi effettuare un upgrade in qualsiasi momento direttamente dalla tua piattaforma.
Come viene calcolato il canone email annuale?
La definizione del canone email passa attraverso la scelta dell’edizione (STARTER, PLUS, PREMIUM, ENTERPRISE) e della velocità di invio. Basandosi sul modello pay per speed, il canone email non prevede tetti mensili per la quantità di email inviate: anche se invii più messaggi di quelli previsti, oppure messaggi più grandi, il costo non cambia. L’unica limitazione è legata alla velocità di invio dei messaggi: se aumenti la velocità di invio, aumenterà anche il canone annuale.
Can I send Messaging Apps campaigns to the email contacts database and vice versa?
Not at the moment. The Email and Messaging Apps contact databases are separate.
Can I purchase a Messaging Apps-only plan?
No. To have Messaging Apps, you need to buy MailUp in one of these editions: Starter, Plus, Premium, or Enterprise. An SMS platform is not enough.
Come posso costruire un database di contatti per Messaging Apps e alimentarlo nel tempo?
Per conoscere nel dettaglio strumenti e operazioni, ti invitiamo a scaricare l’ebook gratuito Cosa puoi fare con Messaging Apps.
What do you mean by environments/lists?
Inside the MailUp platform, a list is an independent work environment with its own message archives, senders, stats, automatic workflows, recipient lists and groups. For instance, you can use 3 lists for newsletter in 3 different languages, or for 3 business/brand branches within the same company.
Come funziona la prova gratuita?
Puoi provare gratuitamente la piattaforma MailUp, senza impegno e senza inserire carte di credito. La prova gratuita ha una durata di 15 giorni; a scadenza il servizio verrà interrotto.
What happens if I increase the number of recipients I want to send emails to?
You can upload unlimited recipients onto the platform at no additional cost. The only thing that changes is the time needed to complete the send, which will go up in proportion to the number of your new contacts. For example, if your email addresses double, the time needed to deliver all the emails will double too.
Do you offer a yearly plan?
Yes, of course. You can pay monthly or yearly, according to your best convenience.
Can I change my plan, if I need to send emails more quickly to more recipients?
Yes. You can upgrade at any time directly from your platform.
How is the annual fee calculated?
The email fee is based on your edition choice (Starter, Plus, Premium, Enterprise) and delivery speed. There is no limit to the number of emails sent under this pay-per-speed model. The cost does not change, even if you send more messages than planned or larger ones. The message delivery speed is the only limit, where any increase affects the annual fee.
Come funziona la commissione?
Per ogni nuovo cliente che sottoscrive un abbonamento MailUp grazie alle tue attività promozionali, ricevi una commissione del 20% sul valore dell’attivazione annuale o mensile della piattaforma, ad esclusione dei servizi aggiuntivi acquistabili dal cliente. La commissione si ottiene per il primo anno di sottoscrizione di un abbonamento. Il pagamento avviene solo dopo che il contatto da te suggerito diventa cliente MailUp.
Come funziona l'attività di partner?
Si tratta di un’attività molto flessibile, che puoi gestire secondo le tue esigenze e possibilità di impegno. Nella tua area partner potrai accedere a materiali di approfondimento per ampliare le tue conoscenze su MailUp. Potrai così promuovere la piattaforma nei tuoi contenuti digitali utilizzando i link partner che ti verranno forniti. Successivamente, non dovrai fare altro che segnalare la piattaforma ai tuoi contatti: alle operazioni di vendita della piattaforma e di sottoscrizione ci pensa MailUp. Nell’area partner potrai visualizzare i contatti segnalati che hanno sottoscritto un abbonamento con MailUp e monitorare tutte le commissioni guadagnate.
La partecipazione al programma prevede un costo di iscrizione?
No, non c'è un costo di iscrizione e non è necessario essere clienti MailUp.
Cosa devo fare per diventare Referral Partner?
Compila il form a questo link. Prenderemo in carico la tua richiesta e riceverai una notifica di approvazione all’indirizzo email fornito. Una volta ottenuta l’approvazione, dovrai registrarti alla tua area partner, dalla quale potrai svolgere tutte le tue attività e ottenere il link referral da utilizzare nei tuoi contenuti digitali.
Who's the Reseller Program for?
All web agencies and system integrators who want to work with the MailUp platform and resell it to their customer portfolio.
What are the benefits of the Program?
First of all, the Program allows you to access useful resources to improve your digital skills, increase revenue through the resale activity, and offer your customers effective tools for online marketing. To find out the specific benefits of each level of the Program, fill out the form. One of our consultants will contact you as soon as possible.
Che cos'è la kickback fee?
Il Programma Reseller prevede una kickback fee (o provvigione) su base semestrale proporzionale al livello di appartenenza, e quindi al numero di clienti gestiti e al valore MRR corrispondente. Riceverai un premio economico pari alla percentuale del fatturato totale generato da nuove acquisizioni, upgrade e rinnovi ottenuti al termine di ogni semestre.
Quanti sono i livelli? Si può scegliere il livello da cui partire?
I livelli sono 4: Bronze, Silver, Gold e Platinum. Ogni nuovo Reseller viene inserito nel livello Bronze: con il miglioramento delle performance potrà poi accedere ai livelli superiori e ai relativi benefit.
Does participation in the Program have a registration fee?
No, there is no entry fee required by the program, the only cost is the subscription fee of the MailUp plan best suited for your business.
A chi è rivolto il Programma Reseller?
A tutte le web agency e i system integrator che vogliono lavorare con la piattaforma MailUp e rivenderla al proprio portfolio clienti.
MailUp e la propria piattaforma sono conformi con le normative vigenti in materia privacy?
Puoi trovare tutte le informazioni, compresa l’ubicazione dei nostri server e le misure da noi prese a protezione dei dati dei nostri clienti, nell’hub informativo sul GDPR presente sul nostro sito all’indirizzo e alle pagine e Inoltre, sul nostro sito all’indirizzo trovi la nostra informativa privacy.
I have identified the MailUp platform as the most suitable tool for complying with current privacy laws, but I need support.
If you have specific technical questions on how to take advantage of the tools provided by MailUp with regard to GDPR, such as:
- (Re)Registration with confirmation,
- Self-profiling campaigns,
- Profile Management Centre,
- Definitive deletion of personal data; please contact our Technical Support by sending an e-mail to or by opening a ticket directly from your MailUp platform. If you need legal support, we regret to inform you that we do not provide legal advice on the due fulfilment of data controller’s obligations with regard to the data uploaded on the platform. If you need such information, we advise you to consult a legal adviser of your choice.
I want to know if MailUp acts as Data Controller or Data Processor.
MailUp acts as Data Controller when it processes its employees, advisors and suppliers’ data, or those of users filling in forms or subscribing to newsletters via the website Instead, MailUp acts as the Data Processor when it processes the personal data (message contents, e-mail addresses, phone numbers, IP addresses and data generated by the use of the MailUp platform) required by our customers to send messages.
Does MailUp transfer personal data outside the European Economic Area (EEA)?
When providing the service, MailUp may act both as Data Controller and as Data Processor. More specifically, MailUp acts as Data Controller when it processes its advisors and suppliers’ data, or those of users filling in forms or subscribing to newsletters via the website Instead, MailUp acts as the Data Processor when it processes the personal data (message contents, e-mail addresses, phone numbers) required by our customers to send messages. When MailUp acts as a Data Controller, personal data may be shared outside the European Economic Area (“EEA”). Your Personal Data are processed by these recipients in compliance with applicable law and by applying appropriate safeguards, such as adequacy decisions, Standard Contractual Clauses approved by the European Commission or other safeguards considered adequate as set out in our privacy policy. When MailUp acts as Data Processor in the provision of our software - depending on the type and layout of the service purchased, which we invite you to verify by referring to the specific DPA executed with us - we use the following sub-processors: • Amazon Sarl, for the provision of support network services and storage of images uploaded by customers, including CDN (Content Delivery Network) and Web proxy services. We represent that personal data processed by this sub-processor will not be transferred outside the European Economic Area. • SMS aggregators, for the provision of the SMS traffic routing service to telephone operators. Depending on the location of the recipient of the text messages sent by our customers, we may use SMS aggregators located within the EEA and/or the UK (which, as is known, is the subject of an adequacy decision).
I received an email sent via a MailUp platform and I want to exercise my rights or I want to report a treatment that does not comply with the European Regulation.
If you have received communications sent via the Platform, please check and confirm whether the sender of the communication is or In this case, we confirm that MailUp is processing your data as Data Controller and we kindly ask you to reply to this e-mail, confirming the above verification and the right you wish to exercise. If this is not the case, MailUp is processing your data as a Data Processor; therefore, to exercise your privacy rights, we suggest that you contact your clients directly by writing to the sender address of the communication.
I want to ask MailUp to fill out an assessment questionnaire.
Due to the large number of clients and the different types of requests, we are unable to fill in every single assessment questionnaire. You can find more details on the MailUp infrastructure and GDPR compliance for completing your own assessment questionnaire on our blog and on our MailUp user manual.
I want to send MailUp the document appointing me as data processor (i.e., the Data Processing Agreement)
In order to facilitate negotiations with our customers by ensuring compliance with privacy regulation, our Data Processing Agreement (pursuant to art.28 of the GDPR) is contained in Section 2.3 of our license agreement, as possibly supplemented by the Data Processing Agreement sent to your administrative contact as specified on the platform. To view the signed user licence agreement, please follow the instructions in our guide: .
Right to portability
Export your contacts' data from the platform at any time or enable the export of data, or part of it, directly from the Preferences Center.
Right of rectification
Change your contacts' currently registered personal data in their individual profiles or make sure, through the Preferences Center, that they directly update their own data.
Right to object
Use the methods from the previous point or, through the Preferences Center, let the recipient unsubscribe (opt out) from any form of tracking and profiling.
Right to be forgotten
Choose to either totally delete the recipient from your lists or use the unsubscribe method for the right to be forgotten.
Right to access
Export your subscriber data at any time via the Recipients > Export function or view the personal information of a single recipient within the platform.
Quali sono le differenze tra un'edizione e l'altra?
Le edizioni di MailUp sono le quattro configurazioni in cui la piattaforma è stata pensata per rispondere alle diverse esigenze dei nostri clienti: Starter, Plus, Premium ed Enterprise. Tutte e quattro sono basate sul modello pay per speed: se i tuoi contatti aumentano, si allunga il tempo di invio, Ma il prezzo non cambia. Per conoscere le caratteristiche specifiche di ogni singola edizione, visita la pagina Prezzi.
È previsto un servizio di assistenza?
Sì. Il supporto in italiano è incluso in tutte le edizioni e, a seconda dell’edizione della piattaforma scelta, sono disponibili diversi livelli di assistenza, fornita direttamente da un team dedicato di specialisti e interno a MailUp. Le formule di supporto disponibili sono: via email, telefonico, prioritario e custom.
I dati dei miei clienti sono protetti su MailUp?
Assolutamente sì. La nostra infrastruttura e le politiche di sicurezza sono regolarmente sottoposte a valutazioni e verifiche per garantirne l’idoneità con i più alti standard di conformità in materia di protezione dei dati, tra cui un Data Center localizzato in Europa, il protocollo Data Loss Prevention (DLP), sistemi di Threat Protection e Test di Vulnerabilità periodici. Scopri di più sulla nostra politica di protezione dei dati.
MailUp si può integrare con altri software?
Certo. Qualunque sia il tuo sistema, noi possiamo integrarlo a MailUp tramite API. Ti offriamo e configuriamo tutti gli strumenti per raggiungere la perfetta sincronizzazione con Database esterni, CRM, CMS, ERP, e-commerce, sistemi di Business Intelligence e altre applicazioni esterne. Visita la pagina dedicata
La piattaforma MailUp include servizi di reportistica?
Sì. Nella piattaforma di MailUp puoi trovare un’intera sezione dedicata al monitoraggio delle campagne, all’analisi delle loro performance e alla creazione di report dettagliati e condivisibili anche all’esterno della piattaforma. L’area Statistiche raccoglie informazioni preziose per migliorare i tuoi risultati.
La piattaforma MailUp include funzionalità di marketing automation?
Sì. La piattaforma mette a disposizione diversi strumenti, tra cui gli invii automatici e i workflow, che permettono di impostare flussi di comunicazioni automatiche basate sui dati anagrafici e comportamentali dei contatti in database. Combinando questi invii con gli strumenti di segmentazione avanzata puoi spingere la personalizzazione delle tue campagne a un nuovo livello.
È possibile provare la piattaforma prima di sottoscrivere un abbonamento?
Certamente. Puoi richiedere l’attivazione immediata di una versione gratuita per un periodo di 15 giorni, in cui potrai testare le principali funzionalità della piattaforma e valutare se fa al caso tuo. Al termine del periodo di prova potrai scegliere se sottoscrivere un abbonamento oppure non proseguire; senza alcun obbligo. Attiva ora la tua prova gratuita.
Cosa posso fare con la piattaforma?
La piattaforma MailUp ti offre tutti gli strumenti necessari per creare, programmare, inviare e monitorare campagne di marketing multicanale via email, SMS e Messaging Apps. Grazie all’intuitivo editor drag & drop, è possibile progettare email belle ed efficaci in pochi minuti. La piattaforma offre inoltre una gestione completa del database, dall’acquisizione del contatto, alla profilazione e all’eventuale disiscrizione. La sua alta integrabilità con e-commerce, CRM, ERP e altre applicazioni esterne, la rende la soluzione perfetta per l’attuazione di strategie di marketing multicanale personalizzate e vincenti.
Skip the line, with Priority Support
Would you like to work with no interruptions? Try the Priority Support solution: MailUp’s assistance quality, faster and more effective.