The development platform for your integrations

Create, test, and publish new implementations between your company’s systems and MailUp. You can simulate any platform activity and choose which function to develop.

Hero La piattaforma di sviluppo per le tue integrazioni

Ask for your development platform

Fill in the free activation form and immediately begin to implement new integrations between your company’s systems and MailUp.

    Icon Ambiente Demo Sicuro MailUp

    A safe demo environment, without conflict risks with your daily work platform

    Icon Una Piattaforma di Sviluppo MailUp

    A development platform always updated to the latest release in order to make the most of tests

    Icon Tutte le funzionalita e nessun limite di tempo MailUp

    A development platform always updated to the latest release in order to make the most of tests

Request Platform

    Develop and share

    You can keep the integration private or submit it to our team prior to publication to make it available to all MailUp customers and, in some cases, sell it.

    Sviluppa e condividi@2x

    Validated and ready for publication

    After verification, you decide when to share the integration along with our development team, in the platform and the Mailup site’s dedicated page: here users can visualize your name or company, the integration description, and link for obtaining it.

    Convalidata e pronta per la pubblicazione