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  • Email Advertising in a New Ebook
Andrea Serventi
29 November 2016
Reading time: 5 min

Email Advertising in a New Ebook

Thanks to the best examples of major American publishers – from the New York Times to the Daily Beast – the Publisher’s Guide to Email Advertising will show you tips, tricks & best practices to use advertising in your email communications.

With the decline of printed media, the web is now the main arena for advertising revenueEmail is one of channels of digital advertising with very high potential, as long you dedicate maximum attention to the amounts of advertising in its different parts, creating a balance that correctly emphasizes the advertising and is at the same time harmonious with the email’s content.

To analyze email advertising, we focused on an industry that increasingly uses email as a special channel for communicating with stakeholders: publishing. In particular, we focused on American publishing, as it is most careful and sensitive to the relationship with its digital readers. This focus gave rise to the Publisher’s Guide to Email Advertising, a new ebook that offers you practical tools and suggestions for optimizing the insertion of advertising in your campaigns and converting email advertising into a strategic asset.

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From developing integrations to strategic support, from creating creative concepts to optimizing results.

For many companies this is already a reality: representing the natural evolution of the relationship between mediaadvertising and digital marketing, for some publishers email advertising is a source of revenue that can exceed 20% of total revenue.

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From Banners to Sponsored Content

After analyzing the types and formats of advertising – banners, native advertising, sponsored content – the ebook explores some of the most important campaigns of American publications, divided according to segment: from the general New York TimesTime Magazine and Daily Beast, to the protagonists of tech publishing (Techcrunch and CNET), up to the emerging realities of newsletters-only, which use email as their main channel for establishing a personalized dialogue with each recipient, molded according to his or her interests.

Finally, the end of the ebook offers a compendium with the best practices for defining the design of the email that will contain your advertising.

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If the history of banners is as long as that of the web, email is the media support that is capable of exploiting the one to one relationship with recipients in order to increase the degree of advertising relevance. There is no need to be a web designer, all you need is the right tools and good teachers: you can find all this, organized by genre and themes, in our new ebook. Enjoy!

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Andrea Serventi

I was born in 1986 in Milan, where I graduated in Modern Literature and started writing for online newspapers, magazines and TV news programs. Having now converted to marketing and the digital world, I am a Content Editor at MailUp: I read, listen, collect ideas, and write about what email marketing is and how to use it strategically.

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