The winning email? Ask A/B test

Find out what your contacts prefer to receive and improve campaign results.

Hero Lemail vincente_ Chiedilo allA B test MailUp
Icon Definisci le varianti dellemail MailUp

Define email variants

Create multiple versions of your message by changing the object, the call to action, the pictures, or the header.

Icon Imposta il campione di destinatari MailUp

Set the sample of recipients

You can choose the number of contacts to be tested, in a proportion between 5 and 30% of your total subscribers.

Icon Stabilisci il criterio di successo MailUp

Establish the success criterion

Best opening rate or click: you can define the parameter that decides the winning email.

Icon Seleziona la durata del test MailUp

Select the test duration

You can set the range of times after which the best performing email will be sent to the remaining recipients.

Automatic or manual sending

Test two or more versions of your message: you can automatically or manually send the A/B test winning email, based on the success criterion, to choose when and which campaign you want to send.

Linvio dellA B test in automatico o manuale MailUp

Track the results and refine future campaigns

Increase the performance of future sendings by analyzing data from each campaign. Thanks to accurate and user-friendly reporting, you can display both the entire set of all your sendings, as well as the details for each sending (A and B).

Traccia i risultati dellA B test e perfeziona le future campagne MailUp
All the potential of MailUp