Simple, secure, scalable, and reliable: it's SMTP+

Take advantage of Mailup’s speed, high deliverability, and tracking to send transactional emails from your e-commerce site, CRM system, or web application.

Hero Semplice sicuro scalabile e affidabile e SMTP_1 MailUp

Your system, with a plus

Icon E commerce MailUp
For your e-commerce site

Send transactional emails related to the entire buying process, quickly and with high deliverability.

Icon Blog o sito MailUp
For your blog or site

Send email without affecting the mail server where your blog or site is hosted, separating the reputations.

Icon Casella Email MailUp
For your inbox

Optimize the performance of your inbox or your business email inbox.

Icon Applicazione MailUp
For your application

Configure SMTP+ and send messages using the MailUp infrastructure without additional API and integrations

Boost systems and applications
Icon Checkmark

Configure multiple SMTP+ users

Icon Checkmark

Automatically add footnotes

Icon Checkmark

Send emails with attachments up to 10 MB

Icon Checkmark

Create a database of recipients

Icon Checkmark

Your send queue is shared with MailUp

Optimize sendings with in-depth reports

To improve your messages’ results, sending after sending, SMTP+ lets you browse the aggregate data for each work environment in different ways: from the time period under analysis to the subject of your transactional email.

ottimizza gli invii con i report approfonditi@2x