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    17 October 2023
    Reading time: 4 min.
    MailUp gets a makeover: discover what’s new this fall to maximize your productivity!

    Fall, for every marketer, has always been synonymous with preparing for the key sales anniversaries, namely Black Friday, Cyb...

    CoverAcademy_1600x900_20230517_B2C 800x450 1
    13 June 2023
    Reading time: 6 min.
    Email Marketing Calendar 2023/24: the new MailUp template to plan your strategy

    A +15% increase in average open rates for 2022/23 compared to 2020, and an unsubscribe rate that has dropped from 0.7...

    Activate now the free trial to discover MailUp's potential.

    From developing integrations to strategic support, from creating creative concepts to optimizing results.

    Read all the posts about News
    28 January 2016
    Reading time: 6 min
    MailUp 8.9.1: Big Improvements to Profile Updates

    Why is this? One of the biggest challenges marketers face is in finding effective ways of collecting relevant and up-to-date informati...