Emails that work for you

With automatic sendings, involve the right recipient at the right time. To cultivate communication, offering relevant and customized content.

Hero Email automatiche e SMS che lavorano per te MailUp 1

Send personalized campaigns automatically

It speeds and facilitates the flow of your communications, combining advanced segmentation filters and marketing automation tools.

Invio automatico email e campagne personalizzate MailUp

A campaign for each activity

Icon Campagne di riattivazione MailUp 1
Reactivation campaigns
Recover your inactive contacts

With the activity filter, locate the recipients that no longer open your messages and captivate them with targeted campaigns. Thus reestablishing the relationship and improving deliverability.

Icon Campagne post iscrizione MailUp 1
Post-subscription campaigns
From the first contact to the purchase

Triggers the automatic and timely sending of a welcome message to each new member. If you have an e-commerce site, you can launch promotions, transactional emails, and recover abandoned carts.

Icon Campagne di post vendita MailUp 1
Post-sales campaign
Make your customers loyal

Give continuity to communications with your contacts, even after a purchase, by sending an automatic email of thanks, suggesting related products and offering new relevant content.

Discover MailUp potential
Simplify sendings with an RSS

If you have a blog, you can create an automatic mechanism to automatically deliver a post you’ve just published to all your contacts. With RSS your newsletters create themselves.

Semplifica gli invii automatici con un RSS MailUp
Double effectiveness, integrating email and SMS messages

Take advantage of the potential of multi-channel marketing and integrate email campaigns with SMS campaigns, offering your contacts a unique and continuous shopping experience.

Raddoppia lefficacia integrando email e SMS MailUp
Create your workflow, in a few clicks

Set up an automated and personalized email series based on the recipients’ activities, with simple drag & drop operations. With the statistical reports you can monitor the campaign progress in real time.

Crea un workflow di email automatiche MailUp
Boost your e-commerce

A large API library, WebHook, and integrations to synchronize MailUp with your e-commerce system and your applications.